Repair Shops

Car lift for an auto repair shop

Most auto shops have at least one all-purpose two-post car lift. Additionally, many shop owners believe a frame-engaging mid-rise lift is the best car lift for auto detailing and wheel service. While these lift types are certainly necessary staples in shops, QuickJack’s portability is an excellent complement to other shop lifts.

Why is this tire shop using QuickJack?

The proud owner of L.A. based tire and wheel shop Wheel Deals picked up two QuickJack car lift models. We interviewed owner/operator Bobby to see why he picked QuickJack over other alternatives, and what QuickJack does for him and his techs on a daily basis. Auto shop owners and operators need to see this video!

Los Angeles tire shop picks QuickJack
QuickJack has zero footprint when stowed

Zero footprint when stowed

While two-post and mid-rise lifts are permanent, bulky and bolted-down, QuickJack collapses to a mere 3" (about 3.5" for the BL-7000SLX) and can be stowed away, leaving virtually no footprint in your shop. Some of our fans have rigged up amazing wall hangers for additional convenience, but most techs find QuickJack can be safely collapsed and stowed on the shop floor or against the wall. Alternatively, the frames can be pushed together underneath your vehicle or positioned at the vehicle’s sides. This storage method is sometimes preferred by those who use QuickJack regularly in the same place.

QuickJack is a great car lift for paint booths

Paint booth convenience

Our car lift may be your next best friend in the paint booth. Once lifted, the fittings can be disconnected and the frames covered with a protective tarp. While QuickJack’s frames are 100% waterproof, paint stains may be unsightly. At the very least, be sure to protect the cylinders and fittings from paint, wax, chemicals, oil, etc. With 21” of lift, QuickJack makes paint booth work and detailing ergonomic and easy, especially when reaching toward the edge of the vehicle chassis.

QuickJack is a great back-up car lift for auto repair shops

The perfect backup car lift

There’s always a chance something goes wrong with one of your primary car lifts. It’s rare, but anything can happen. A portable car lift can help you stay prepared in the event of a malfunctioning two-post or mid-rise lift. In addition to being a safe way to get cars in the air, QuickJack lets you do just about everything. It’s completely open-center and frame-engaging, so wheel/brake service, suspension tuning, oil changes, tire rotations, etc. are all a cinch. If your shop is having a busy day, portable car lifts ensure you take care of more customers.

Best portable car lift for auto detailing

The best car lift for auto detailing

QuickJack is popular in the auto detailing community. So popular, in fact, that we have an auto detailing section on our website. Many full-service shops realize that auto detailing service is a great money-maker. They’re investing more into this service in order to remain competitive. It’s common for most detailers to have a mid-rise lift, but QuickJack is making waves of its own. So, do you want to make more money? Since the answer must be “yes,” always keep diversifying your skills. To help make it happen, QuickJack is the best car lift for auto detailing, and it will help your shop reach its full potential.